Tages UK “team” 1968
Vi hade stor hjälp av Mike Hursts business manager/manager (har glömt namnet). Vår personliga artist agent Dick Katz, var anställd av en av de två största Music och Artist Impressarios Harold Davidson i England (den andra var Arthur Howse) båda med huvudkontor i London. Pianist Dick Katz was born in Germany in 1916 and moved to Holland in 1933. He came to England in the early 1940s and joined Carlo Krahmer in 1942 and also Harry Parry’s Sextet. Katz was regarded as an adaptable musician and work followed with the Vic Lewis / Jack Parnell Jazzmen. He also led his own trio in 1946. Dick Katz spelade på Liseberg i Göteborg, han nämnde till mig vilket år, men det har jag glömt – Sorry! He quit full time music to work in a theatrical agency (Harold Davidson) eventually managing various artistes, although he still played gigs in the 1960s and even appeared in the 1959 Melody Maker readers popularity poll. Halcyon Days was released officially in UK by MGM 11th October 1968 and on Verve Records in USA, December 1968. At the same time the record was released in UK (first batch 2.500 copies) 2-3 of the largest and most important record shops in London was targeted by us – big poster picture of Tages and banners of their new record release. One of the shops I still remember was Music Land on Berwick Street in Soho.
The New Musical Express, Melody Maker, hade dels foto på skivomslaget samt denna recension:
TAGES: Halycon Days (MGM) Surprisingly progressive approach by the Swedish group. Well-constucted song, peppy beat, appeling counter-harmonies. Nice! ©
Börje Karlsson Tages Manager och så mycket mer.
© Tages.nu